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We are women-friendly; some show it, we mean it.

April 8, 2022 5:08 pm | by Aviral Chitkara | Posted in Life At Sarvika

Just a couple of weeks ago on International Women’s Day, all women of Sarvika were thrown a lunch party. It has been the favorite mode of celebration for the She-Sarvikans to spend the day entirely meant for them. Everything remains constant, the only thing that changes every year is the size of party attendees, which is always greater than last year. From our beginnings in 2013, we only cared about making the organization universal in every way. It never came to our attention that nearly  30% of our job positions are filled by women handling different departments. We never realized how much they are involved in our everyday operations, making them an inseparable part of our organization.

Presently, women from different educational backgrounds, designations, ideologies, and personalities are part of our workforce. Being an organization that strongly advocates gender diversity, we have given a common playground to our male and female colleagues by creating a supportive culture. Sadly, the reality is not universal everywhere. There are many instances captured where it is seen that being a woman in the workplace isn’t easy. People love being preachers-on-internet and telling you all the things that need to be adopted, changed, and whatnot, but all this is good when it’s in the action, and not mere words.

To create an organization that perfectly resonates with what women seek in their workplace, we have followed and designed numerous policies that have let women professionals shine in their respective job roles.

  • Equal pay

As per the UN, women make only 84 cents against the dollar earned by their male counterparts. The uneven distribution of pay has historically affected gender parity. Stereotypes have taken shape on grounds of this foundation of unequal pay. At Sarvika, we have always followed the policy of equal pay between men and women as per their skill sets and job roles.

  • Prominent leadership opportunities

Last year, we covered the story of our women leaders revolving around their corporate roles in the organization. In our organization, out of the thirteen(13) teams, four(4) are headed by superwomen leaders who have exceptionally led their respective squads with exceptional results in revenue and productivity.

  • Hiring those who have gaps in their career

Many instances become a hindrance in letting women take a break from their careers. It gets tough for many women to start the second innings after the gap they have due to marriage, children, or taking care of parents. To help them bounce back and make a successful transition,  we organize numerous drives for women aspiring to take a plunge in their careers and live their life with confidence. 

PS: This drive is not just for women, it’s for all who have gaps in their careers and want to restart.

  • Remote and Flexible work environment for moms

As we moved into our new premises, we have created a place meant specially for kids. The purpose of having a kid’s room was to create the right environment for mommies to work with their children around. We have always focused on providing a mother-friendly environment and ensured new mothers get flexibility while enjoying the new phase of their life. Remote working is granted to all bearing and caregiving women so that they can effortlessly balance their personal and professional life.

  • Maternity leaves

Our maternity leave policies are as per government rules and regulations. We uphold the highest government standards where pregnant women are entitled to six months of maternity leave to enjoy the phase of motherhood As per The MATERNITY BENEFIT ACT,1961.


Apart from these, we are always on the lookout to adopt many other practices that make us a better women-friendly workplace. Please share your views on our practices or if you want to help us further, share your tips that we can incorporate into our organization. Let’s all contribute to making a difference in creating an organization where women thrive openly without any boundaries. 

Written by Aviral Chitkara

Senior Business Operations Manager

Aviral is the Senior Business Operations Manager at Sarvika Technologies. His research skills are unquestionable, and so is his ability to provide constant motivation to the team. An engineer turned business expansion enthusiast, Aviral is a knowledge bank when it comes to politics. Whatever the confusion or problem, he is always the one with answers.

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