Product personalization and recommendation techniques for your eCommerce store.
July 23, 2020 12:32 pm | by Jyotsana | Posted in eCommerce
As an eCommerce enthusiast and promoter, I have always tried to help online business owners devise and implement strategies that drive more traffic and sales. One of the most widely used methods to boost engagement is the product personalization recommendation engine.
If you are not familiar with the workings of the product recommendation engine, then you can refer to our previous blog wherein we have explained the process of how product recommendation works.
Via this blog, I have compiled an informative list highlighting how the leading eCommerce portals (big, medium, and small) make use of product personalization and recommendation techniques at different places on their websites. The list mentioned below will help you identify and place effective recommendation sections across your online store and reap-in its benefits.
The Home Page
The product recommendations on your home page should give a brief overview of the type of products your online store offers. It is important because the visitors who land directly on your home page are not looking for any specific product. They aim to browse the store, see what is trending or new, and maybe buy something. Hence, the home page should recommend products that compel them to make a purchase. Some of the most highly used home page product recommendations are as follows:
- New arrivals or latest products.
Most of the fashion eCommerce websites swear by the new or latest arrival section. It gives the fashion-savvy buyers a quick overlook of the latest addition to the collection. Putting up the new items list creates a sense of excitement and desire within buyers to purchase the products.

- Shop by brands.
Product recommendation based on brands is the perfect option for brand-conscious buyers. Instead of browsing through the vast catalog, they can directly jump to the product page of their favorite brands. It makes shopping easy and fun for visitors.

- Shop by discounts.
I am a discount hunter. Nothing attracts me more than a product available at highly discounted prices. For buyers like me, eCommerce websites have a dedicated recommendation section, which is based on the type and range of discounts available on the store. This product recommendation is the best way for eCommerce store owners to sell their slow-moving or outdated stock.

- Popular among customers.
Trust was always a big issue for buyers during online shopping. Since there are no salesmen like in brick and mortar stores, visitors often felt unsure about how the product may turn out to be, when delivered. As a result, eCommerce websites gave people the power to rate purchased products. And this became the base for another type of product recommendation category: popular among customers, loved by customers, top-rated products, etc. The recommendation engine simply clubs the highest rated products from multiple categories at random and brings them in front of the buyer.

- Personalized recommendation.
You must have noticed how the eCommerce website highlights the products you either bought before or have left in the cart or browsed during your previous visit. It is the best example of delivering a personalized customer experience by giving them a familiar shopping environment.
The Product Page
The product page is where the visitors look for product-related information like descriptions, features, etc. On this page, you should aim to keep the user engaged and motivate them to add more products to their cart. These product recommendation techniques come in handy.
- Customers also liked.
The product recommendations under this section belong to the same line or brand of products. For example, if you buy or add-to-cart a t-shirt of X brand, then the recommendation engine will highlight different products from the same brand which other people purchased and have awarded high ratings. The logic behind this recommendation is that the buyer will prefer purchasing other products available in the same brand.

- Similar products.
The difference between the “customers also like” and “similar products” recommendation is of the category coverage. In the former, the product category was limited to one brand only, whereas the latter category also covers similar products from different brands.

- Product bundling or frequently bought together.
Smartphone with a smartphone cover and extended warranty, a laptop with a carry bag, a mouse, and a keyboard, etc. Product bundling is the most effective and result-driven product recommendation because it highlights the items that will help buyers use the original product better. This recommendation is useful as often people end-up purchasing the bundled suggestion. It is a must-have for your online store.

- The Cart or Checkout Page
The checkout page recommendation is fruitful because the buyer is already in a positive psychological space. It helps increase the order quantity and the average order value. You should highlight products that are like the one in the cart like books, clothes, etc. or products that compliment the cart-item like smartphone covers, headphones, etc.
Over to you
What type of product personalization and recommendation techniques have you deployed on your eCommerce store? Are they effective? Do they resemble the commonly adopted techniques? I wish to learn how you are implementing strategies to boost traffic and revenue. Feel free to write to us here.
Written by Jyotsana
Manager, Client Solutions
Jyotsana has a wide experience in customer relations in the software industry. She completed her MSc in Business Administration from the University of Amsterdam in year 2018. When not being a super awesome manager, Jyotsana likes to mentor hearing and/or vocally impaired children in a public school in the city. She believes in being kind. Her forever-passion: #saveearth