Sarvikans Who Take Care of Mental Health Through Fitness
April 29, 2022 9:23 am | by Sarvika Technologies | Posted in Life At Sarvika
The advantages of fitness are no breaking news as we are aware of the rewards it offers to the body. Be it playing any sport, sweating it out in the gym, or simply going for a walk, everything has something that will let you thank your body in the future. But even after too much buzz regarding fitness, there is still a large section of people living a sedentary lifestyle and becoming prone to numerous physical and mental health problems such as depression and anxiety. Mental health has become an openly accepted and discussed topic where many people are actively volunteering to help the needy and get them on the path to recovery. Out of many ways to battle mental health, many noted experts have suggested physical exercise as the solution to reducing issues related to mental illness. As we, human beings, grab information more effectively through social learning, we decided to share some real-life experiences with some of our Sarvikans who perform phenomenally in their fitness attire like they do in their corporate ones. We interviewed some fitness freak Sarvikans who shared their favorite ways to work out and how it contributes to their mental health and work performance.

Kirandeep Kaur
Business Analyst Favorite Physical Activity- Mix Workout
What can be better than feeling confident in wearing any attire which emphasizes your strength both inside and outside? I have been involved with fitness since my school and college days due to my active participation in sports activities. Being consistent with fitness has not just given me an athletic physique but an aura of positivity that I carry on my sleeves.
Now, as I don’t get to play sports like in my school days, I have allotted that time to my GYM, where I do a mix of workouts that allows me to try different things. If I give you my opinion, your workout sessions must be fun and filled with lots of variations so that whenever that alarm buzzes in the morning, you don’t want to press the snooze button. From Yoga to Zumba to Weight Training to Cycling, my workout schedule includes everything that not just makes me sweat but also gives a sense of satisfaction that I have completed an important task of the day. How does being actively involved in numerous physical activities help your mental health and work performance?
Being a person in a corporate setup, your performance graph must always be up, and that can be achieved when there is proper sync between the mind and the body. Trying different workouts gives me a new and unique experience every day and fills me with a lot of positivity reflected in my work.
Aniket Batwal
Program Manager Favorite Physical Activity- Weightlifting and Calisthenics
“THAT SPORTS GUY”, you must all remember a guy or a girl in your school time who is always up for participating in sports activities. In my school days, I held the same reputation in my friend’s circle. I have represented my school and college in games like table tennis, badminton, and kabaddi and reached various levels that gave me the belief that playing sports for me is more than just a hobby- it’s part of my lifestyle.When I became a working professional, lifting weights became my new interest.
For the last 3-4 years, I have been actively hitting the gym, which works the same way as meditation. In my take, having a good physique reflects sane mindfulness that speaks for itself. If I am not hitting the GYM, when I am stuck with work priorities, I make sure I go for a walk or for a quick run to substitute for my workout and it gives me the contentment that I did something for my body before dozing off to sleep. How does lifting weights contribute to your mental health and work performance? Lifting weights is a game of strength, proper balance & technique that must be well coordinated. The one learning that I have taken from lifting weights is – Staying active. When you are completely aware of your actions, you have better control of the situation. Working out also helps in reducing my stress level and improves my ability to think clearly, especially in a stressful setup.

Alankrit Jangid
Project Manager Favorite Physical Activity- Playing Cricket
The bug of Cricket had bitten me at a very young age, which is a common story for most Indian youngsters, all thanks to its humongous popularity. I got enrolled in a cricket academy in my school to polish my skills, and somehow it cemented my belief that I was born to play this game, that year after year got stronger. I have played for different state and national levels and secured Don Bradman Scholarship while studying Bachelors in Australia, awarded to Indian students who excel in academics and Cricket.
Although destiny had some other plans, due to some unwanted injuries and other family priorities, I had to leave Cricket for my studies. Today, when I work as a Project Manager and lead a team of many individuals to ensure timely development, I play Cricket on weekends with my office colleagues to stay in touch with what I have always adored for years. How has playing cricket contributed to my mental health?
I believe that happiness has a big portion when it comes to your mental health, and Cricket gives me that. Cricket has been my mood booster and kicked up the endorphin levels that make me feel good. The 4-5 hours of involvement in the game have everything I need for kicking off negativity and getting focused on my goals.
Ritu Singh
Senior UI/UX designer Favorite Physical Activity- Yoga
My involvement with Yoga came from my father who is an ardent Yoga practitioner and someone we always looked for inspiration regarding fitness. Although I wasn’t very active from the beginning, in the year 2015, when I saw a drastic increase in my weight, doing Yoga became a serious objective to shred off the extra kilos. Performing Yoga has not helped me reduce my weight but also made me realize that it has to be a part of my lifestyle. From marriage in 2017 to giving birth to a baby girl in 2019, a woman’s body goes through phases like gaining weight and getting out of shape. I am thankful to Yoga for helping me to come back better and stronger.
How does Yoga help me with my mental health?
I work as a Senior UI/UX designer that revolves around creativity and demands active concentration. Incorporating yoga and meditation has given me relaxation and fueled my energy levels to their maximum. Whether it’s taking care of my family or my work responsibilities, Yoga has let me play the role of everything assigned to me with 100% dedication.
Anirudh Sharma
Human Resource Executive Favorite Physical Activity- Hitting Gym
The fitness revolution which started during the Covid outbreak made me realize the value of taking care of my body. From a person who feels sluggish due to no physical activity to a person who is always high on energy levels, I have covered a long distance in the last two years. My active participation in fitness activities has drastically improved my immune system, which was the need of the hour during the pandemic, and ensured I always have a sound sleep that most people underestimate in a professional environment. Being consistent with my fitness by hitting the gym has also contributed to making me a confident and balanced individual.I started taking my diet seriously, counting the calories I consume throughout the day & most importantly, I realized the value of investing in yourself. I advise everyone to at least dedicate an hour to your body, which is a lucrative investment that gives you an extra dose of confidence that surrounds you forever. How has your mental health benefitted from working out?
When you see yourself performing better in the gym feels surreal and cannot be penned into words. When you look and feel good, everything starts falling in your direction. The happiness after finishing the workout gives me a sense of satisfaction that I have completed something specifically meant for my betterment.Written by Sarvika Technologies
Sarvika Tech is a team of young, energetic, and technology-loving people on the journey to help companies achieve their goals by supporting their IT needs. In a nutshell, we are a people’s company where the priority is their knowledge enhancement and career development. We believe that focusing on our most important asset, the team, will enable us to push boundaries and deliver ingenious IT solutions.